Tuesday 10 May 2022


 We learnt factorising, what is factorising? Factorising is the opposite of bracket expansion. A set of brackets will always appear in a factorised response. Remove the highest common factor (HCF) of all the terms to fully factorise an expression.



3( x + 2  )

4( x + 2 )

2 (3 x + 4)

4(2 x +3)

4( 3 x - 2)

3(1 x + 10)

2( 2 x + 3)

7(3x + 2)

2( 2x + 9)

3( 2x + 3)

5( x - 3)

2( 2x - 8)

5( x + 1)

7( x - 1)

2( 2x + 1)

3( 5x - 7)

7( 2x + 5)

2( 8x - 2)

5( 3x - y)

23( 2x + 1)

2( 30x - 45)

5( 6x - 1)

5( 9x + 6)

3( 2x - 3y + 4z)

Monday 10 May 2021

Survivor Reflections .


Today my class and I had to get into groups of 4 or 3 , we did an activity about how we would survive on the ocean with only the people we have in boat and some supplies . We all contributed something & all had a say in everything , we had to choose someone to be the leader for our group & they chose me . The reasons why they picked me is written in the image above ^ , I swear I just literally went to the bathroom then came back & they were telling me that I'm the leader HAHAHAHA . I really enjoyed this activity & I hope we could do this again some other time .